| Part 1 |
| Part 2 |
| Part 3 |
| Part 4 |
| Part 5 |
| Part 6 |
Part 4
[ACKNOWLEDGEMENT : Many thanks to YAOHUSHUA.ORG to make this possible.]
Q. Why speak Hebrew when we are not Jewish or Israelis?
A. 'At that time, I (YÁOHU UL) will change the speech of My
returning, repentant people to pure Hebrew, so that they may
worship YÁOHU UL together in harmony and in unity!' -
Zephaniah 3:9, Tanakh or Hebrew Holy Scriptures (Biblia Hebraica).
So you see, it has always been the purpose of YÁOHU UL,
our Maker, to purify the tongues of His returning (repentant)
people, because you will remember that, since that great
Tower-of-Babylon fiasco, the tongues of men have been cursed,
except for archaic, original Hebrew.
You cannot avoid Hebrew, if you are really a seeker of the
Holy One of Israel, your Maker: YÁOHU UL. Every time you open
up your Tanakh or Holy Scriptures, you are in Hebrew ground!
Your mere saying of 'amen' is already Hebrew! YÁOHU UL, the
Source of our life, spoke Hebrew to Adam and Eve in Paradise.
Even angels communicate to personages in the Holy Scriptures in
Hebrew, our Savior is Hebrew, the apostles and the prophets spoke
Hebrew too! It is the heavenly and sacred language!
That is why ha-satan (the dragon, serpent) hates it
because he hates anything that is sacred to our Creator, YÁOHU
UL. On the other hand, the snake loves Latin because it is the
language of witchcraft and the poisonous tongue. Even the flesh
is against Hebrew, but we walk in the 'RÚKHA' (or Spirit),
because we are regenerated individuals, having received Molkhiúl
YAOHÚSHUA as our one and only personal Ruler and Redeemer!
'Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but
fellow-citizens with YÁOHU UL's people and members of YÁOHU
UL's household!' - Ephesians 2:19, Holy Scriptures.
'A real Jewish person is anyone whose heart is right with
YÁOHU UL.... For YÁOHU UL is looking for those with
CHANGED, renewed and regenerated hearts and minds!' - Romans
2:29, Holy Scriptures.
'For this reason, I kneel before YÁOHU UL, from Whom His
whole family in heaven and on earth derive its NAME!' -
Ephesians 3:1 Holy Scriptures.
So if you are truly regenerated spiritually, then, YÁOHU
UL considers you as real Jewish, and if your are considered
by our YÁOHU Abú (Father) as belonging to Him and His race, then
isn't it a great privilege to be speaking the King's language?
What blessing! What privilege! What wonder!
Do not be anxious over the imagined difficulty! If there
is a will, there is a way! Besides, you have inside you the
'RÚKHA-YAOHÚSHUA' (or the Spirit of YAOHÚSHUA) to help you and
give you the desire and ability. He is 'Menachém-nu' (our
You don't have to learn all of it, just what will be useful
in your prayers, worship and praising. Believe me, it's so-ooo
Remove that mental block put in by the flesh! Do away with
it now! Practice makes perfect! Learning Hebrew is not
difficult; what is difficult is to decide whether to go for it
or not. Once you have decided in its favor, everything becomes
And once we realize that it is YÁOHU UL's will, nothing
can stop us from showing Him how much we love and appreciate His
kindness by doing our best to please Him!
'You shall love YÁOHU UL, your Maker, with all your
heart, with all your soul, with all your power and with all your
mind! This is the first and greatest (greatest!) commandment.'
- Matthew 22:37 Holy Scriptures.
So begin now by calling upon and using our Father's Hebrew
original Name and the Messiah's, too. It is the first step.
Everything becomes easy onwards! We can do all things through
Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA Who empowers us always! Get to know Him now
personally, do it now!
Thy will be done, YÁOHU UL, not our's!
The Father: YÁOHU UL, the All-Powerful One
The Son: YAOHÚSHUA, the Messiah
The Spirit: RÚKHA-YAOHÚSHUA, the Teacher, the Comforter
These are children's bread. They're easy to learn!
Remember: Continual practice makes perfect! There is none
so hard a learner as one who refuses to see the truth. But you
are in favor of the truth that sets you free from all deceptions
of the enemy.
The translation of the Messiah's unchangeable Name that is
most popularly accepted was based on the Greek translation. Most
of them are not Greeks so why are they calling on a Greek name?
Salvation is from the Jewish people, not from the Greeks!
Besides, the Most Holy Name of our Maker does not, repeat,
does not have to change according to the nationalities and
languages of man! This typically is a pagan and heathenish
custom in their worship of their idols!
Who taught you that the Name of our Maker should be changed
from language to language, or from country to country? What is
the scriptural basis of that custom, if any? None whatsoever!
Where did you get such teaching? Certainly not from the
Tanakh or Hebrew Holy Scriptures! It is of the world! So let
us reform and begin calling upon our true and real Maker from
now on! AM-NÁM! (That's 'amen' in pure, archaic Hebrew!).
It's easy!
'I will change the speech of My returning people to pure
Hebrew, that they may worship YÁOHU UL in unity!' So declared
YÁOHU UL the Holy One of Israel! - Zephaniah 3:9, Tanakh or
Hebrew Holy Scriptures.
'In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with YÁOHU
UL and the Word was UL. He was with YÁOHU UL in the beginning.
Through Him (i.e. Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA) all things were made;
without Him, nothing was made that has been made. In Him was
life, and that life was the light of humankind....
'He was in the world, and though the world was made through
Him, the world did not recognize Him. He came to that which was
His own, but His own did not receive Him.... The Word became
flesh and made His dwelling among us!' - John 1:1-14, Holy Scriptures.
Q. What do you mean by the words 'eternal life'?
A. 'This is eternal life: to know you, YÁOHU UL (the Holy One of
Israel), as the only true Creator and Omnipotent One, and the One
Whom You have sent - Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY!' - John 17:3,
Holy Scriptures.
Q. But isn't it true that the entire Holy Scriptures was written
at the inspiration of the 'RÚKHA-YÁOHU,' therefore inerrant and
A. The originals, YES! Repeat, the originals, YES! But
remember, the Holy Scriptures you have with you now are only
man-improvised translations of the originals. Be aware too that
the people who translated from the originals or other source
documents had their own religious inclinations and biases!
You may be surprised but every Bible student knows that
translated Bibles or Holy Scriptures are not the ones referred to
as 'INSPIRED' and 'Creator-breathed.' These terms refer only
to the original manuscripts or autographs. Now you know!
Scripturally speaking, the original is always the BEST!
So what to do? Receive now the truth, that really sets you
free! We have been told to 'keep on asking, keep on seeking and
to keep on knocking that we may be given, that we may find and
that the door may be opened to us!
Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY is the Door to the sheepfold!
And we have introduced Him to you. YÁOHU UL Khanyao-áhm has
been so kind and merciful to us to have revealed Himself and His
Anointed One - that we may tell everyone about the real truth!
It is YÁOHU UL's best joy to reveal these to little children!
To YÁOHU UL, we are ever grateful! Thank You, YÁOHU UL!
Q. Isn't it true that the original pronunciation of the
four-letter (tetragramma) Hebrew Name of the Most High in the
Hebrew Scriptures had been lost, forgotten, and that nobody
really knows nowadays how it is to be pronounced exactly?
A. Rumors say so, yes! But they are just that - rumors and
conjectures. Think now and consider these facts. Until now,
His people are still called 'YAOHÚDIM' ('YÁOHÚ-dim' - to show
the Name of UL) in the Hebrew language, that means Jewish
people refer to themselves as 'YAOHÚDIM.' Several of the Jewish
people's adopted names today still reflect the Almighty's Revered
Name. Examples are: Eliahu, Khanamyahu, Netanyahu, Uziyahu, etc.
Even the names of the prophets in the Tanakh (Hebrew Holy
Scriptures) plus other personages and places mentioned therein
still always reveal most emphatically His most-glorious Name!
English translations |
Original Hebrew |
Isaiah |
Yaoshua-YÁOHU |
Elijah |
Zechariah |
ZocharYÁOHU |
Zephaniah |
Zafna-YÁOHU |
John |
YÁOHU-khanam |
Matthew |
Manaim-YÁOHU |
Joshua |
So the truth has been there in the Hebrew Scriptures all along!
All we have to do is to ask and YÁOHU UL will give us the
wisdom and discernment to really know Him, and that is eternal
life! So we keep on seeking and we keep on discovering!
Until now, many Jewish people still do know the correct and
true pronunciation of the NAME, but they dare not mention it in
fear of blaspheming the most-awesome Name there is in the whole
universe. This is superstition, because in the whole of the
Tanakh or Hebrew Scriptures, the prophets always mentioned the
Name of the Almighty in their prophesyings to the people, the
historical and poetry sections of the scriptures always mention
the Name, so why be afraid?
Let's not attempt to be holier than the true holy ones.
And besides, Joel 2:32 clearly says: whoever calls upon the NAME
of YÁOHU UL shall be saved! We'd rather believe and obey what is
written in the original Holy Scriptures than traditions of men.
YÁOHU UL caused it by His 'RÚKHA' (or Spirit) that His
Name be written more than 6,000 times in the Tanakh so that we
will realize that it is the most important word in its entirety!
What is forbidden is the blaspheming of the Name, not the mere
mentioning of it, if done with awesome reverence and total
respect! Get it? Am-now!
'You shall not misuse the Name of YÁOHU, your UL, for
YÁOHU UL will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His Name.'
- Deuteronomy 5:11, Tanakh or Hebrew Holy Scriptures.
Take note: What is forbidden is the misuse, not the
reverential use! Do not add, and do not subtract from what is
written in the Holy Scriptures.
This correct way of saying the Name is being kept secret
from the Gentiles by those who know it, to avoid it being
blasphemed - maybe true, but certainly neither lost nor
forgotten, and surely not unknown!
So the correct way of pronouncing the Hebrew Tetragramma
is known by many even among the Jewish people, to this day!
'Therefore I (YÁOHU UL) will reveal My NAME to My people
and they shall know the power in that NAME. Then at last they
will recognize that it is I, yes, I, Who speaks to them!' -
Isaiah 52:6, Tanakh
To avoid the Name being blasphemed, some early sectarian
religious leaders of Israel made it the custom of Judaism to use
replacements, such as: 'ha-Shem' (the name), 'Adonai' (lord), etc.
So what was wrong with that? Where's the catch? 'Lord' means
'baal!' The correct way of saying these in archaic Hebrew are
'hol-Shúam' (the Name) and 'Ódmaor' (Ruler).
The replacements that some of these sectarian groups long ago
mistakenly used, to replace the original Names and titles with,
were adapted from surrounding pagan, cultic and primitive
communities, which then referred to popular idols among them!
Sincere, maybe, but sincerely mistaken! It's not surprising
if many truly sincere souls are now languishing in 'sheol' (or
hell) for lack of knowledge then. 'My people are destroyed for
lack of knowledge!' - Hosea 4:6, Tanakh or Hebrew Holy
In His foreknowledge, YÁOHU UL had foreseen that His Name
will be blasphemed by some evil men, and that was the reason why
He prescribed a severe penalty for anyone blaspheming, mocking or
insulting His Most Awesome Name, YÁOHU UL:
'And whoever blasphemes the Name of YÁOHU UL shall surely
be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone
him, the stranger as well as him who is born in the land. When
he blasphemes the Name of YÁOHU, he shall be put to death!'
- Leviticus 24:16, Tanakh.
As far as YÁOHU UL is concerned, that is enough deterrent
for all against committing such a crime. No need to devise
substitutions of names to add to what YÁOHU UL has deemed
Presumptuous ways and ideas to help our Most High in
administering His Kingdom often lead to confusion. The revealed
words of YÁOHU UL are sufficient to run his government with
justice and righteousness! No need for man's innovative
alterations! Do not add to nor subtract from what were
originally written in the Holy Scriptures, much more alter,
erase, delete or rename! You now decide which is truly
blasphemous in YÁOHU UL's sight.
So let us now get back to using His original Name in true
solemnity and with utmost reverence!
The mere fact that this tetragramma was written more than
6,000 times in the Hebrew Scriptures or Tanakh implies that the
Most High - YÁOHU UL - has deemed it proper that those who
read the Holy Scriptures will always refer to Him by His one and
only Name, thereby acknowledging Him as the Person behind the
Holy Scriptures or the Book! This is My Name forever by which
I am to be remembered from generation to generation - YÁOHU UL!
Just as the gift without the giver is bare, so are the Holy
Scriptures without the Resource Person behind it!
Let's now put back the true Author, YÁOHU UL, back to
where He properly and rightfully belongs in the Tanakh or the
Holy Scriptures! Am-nów!
Q. Is 'YÁOHU' an abbreviation of His more complete Name?
A. 'YÁOHU' is not an abbreviation. 'YÁOHU' is the Most High's
full and only-revealed Name!
When mentioned, it sounds like the pleasant sounds of the
gentle breeze or gentle wind, especially the second syllable of
the Wonderful Name. Not surprising because He is the Giver of
our life or breath or wind! Our YÁOHU UL is a 'RÚKHA'
(or Spirit).
In archaic Hebrew, the word 'rukha' also refers to wind!
It's common nowadays, in formulating names for the
citizenry, that this Name is affixed with other descriptive or
redemptive titles, that reflect some redeeming or benevolent
attributes of the Most High, examples of which are:
'YÁOHUkhanam' 'Yaoshua-YÁOHU' 'Manaim-YÁOHU' 'Yarmi-YÁOHU' 'YAOHÚSHUA' |
meaning favor of YÁOHU meaning YÁOHU will save meaning YÁOHU is pleasant meaning YÁOHU is exalted meaning YÁOHU'S power to save |
'John' 'Isaiah' 'Matthew' 'Jeremiah' 'Joshua' |
Therefore, 'YÁOHU' is the correct and complete Name of our
triune ULHÍM, Creator-Head! Not Yahweh.
'Joshua' is not an acceptable translation because it involves
the syllable 'josh' which is homonymous with the idolatrous name
'dios' (zeus, jews and deus too).
Q. Does our Creator have many Names? Why do many pray to
other names much different from this original Name?
A. Only one revealed Name, but many different titles used solely
or in conjunction with this Awesome Name: YÁOHU! You must know
the difference between a 'name' and a 'title.'
Many titles that people use, when referring to the Holy One,
are scriptural but there are also unscriptural titles, some are
even idolatrous and even blasphemous!
All spirit-beings correspond to and answer to a name, for
identification purposes. To particularize their identities.
Names are for proper and truthful identifications! To names are
added titles which signify several attributes of a person such as
position, civil status, profession, character, office, degree,
etc. For example, name: Wilbur Jones title: Mister, Architect,
Republican, President, State Governor, and so on.
Other common titles are: President, Senator, Congressman,
Mayor, Colonel, General, Manager, Princess, Queen, King and so
So only one name, but many possible titles. The name is for
identification, the titles are for embellishments or decorations
or to inform people more about the persons behind those names and
titles and what they do or what ranks or seats of authority they
In the same way, our Maker has only one Name: 'YÁOHU' but
many titles: the Most High, the Holy One of Israel, the Almighty,
the Creator, the Commander of the Armies, Maker, the Father and
so on.
For His Son, only one Name: 'YAOHÚSHUA.' Titles are:
Molkhiúl (King), hol-MEHUSHKHÁY (Anointed One) or King of kings,
also Prince of Peace, the Bread of Life, Advocate, Savior,
Redeemer and so on.
In the Holy Scriptures, we are told to praise, worship,
extol, glorify and bless His NAME! It is all right to include
any or some of His titles but the NAME must always be properly
specified, for proper identification. Remember, the name is for
exact, specific and accurate identification! Titles,
on the other hand, serve as qualifiers or modifiers.
There are many personages in the Scriptures named
'YAOHÚSHUA.' To whom specifically are you calling to? Whom are
you particularly referring to? Which 'YAOHÚSHUA'? To the
Messiah or to Moses's assistant? So we use Molkhiúl and
hol-MEHUSHKHÁY as QUALIFIERS: to particularize the unseen Person we
are referring to. Clear enough? Am-nów!
'Whoever calls upon the Name of YÁOHU UL shall be saved!'
- Joel 2:32 and Acts 2:21, Tanakh, Holy Scriptures
Note that they were not written: 'whoever calls upon the
title or titles of YÁOHU UL shall be saved.' It says we must
call upon His NAME and not upon any of His titles only, if we
really want redemption and deliverance, protection and benefits.
All this is given to you in true love and deep humility,
'Ol Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, and we all say, am-nám!
YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY is the original Name!
Let's continue to receive more scriptural wisdom and knowledge in
the NEXT segment of
this spiritually-awakening guideline now....